Our Latest Episodes

Hello, friends.

We’re glad that you’re here.

Welcome to Instructions For Living a Life, a podcast co-hosted by Chrisie Reeves-Pendergrass and Adam Baker. We're two friends who recognize that far too often, Christians and the church struggle to speak holistically about being healthy and human. We're fine talking about the soul, but we're not entirely sure if that includes the body and the mind. Hint: it does. On Instructions For Living a Life, we're trying to normalize honest conversations about counseling, psychology, and lived spirituality, exploring the stories that exist at the intersections of faith and mental health.

Who are our guests, you might ask? We make a point to interview normal, everyday people, folks who wrestle with what it means to live, move, and have their being in the life and skin which they've been given. You might be one of them. If you have a story to share, we'd love to listen to you. If you're not quite ready to share, we'd encourage you to listen to what each episode has to offer. Perhaps they'll encourage you, as well.
Sometimes the thing that frees us is the realization that we are not alone. Believe us when we say that no matter what you've walked through, experienced, felt, thought, or survived, you are far from alone. We hope that Instructions For Living a Life is a podcast that assures you that honesty, vulnerability, and openness are things to be treasured, not feared.